Macbeth- Character Analysis

Macbeth is a general in the king's army and originally the Thane of Glamis. As a reward for his valiant fighting, described in the opening scene, Macbeth is also named the Thane of Cawdor. Appropriately, the former Thane of Cawdor was a traitor to the crown who appeared loyal. At heart, Macbeth does not deserve the adjective "evil." In act one scene one the Witches say "Fair is foul, and foul is fair". We see that the main Character Macbeth, in Macbeth, seems to go through this exact thing the beginning of the statement states, from start to end. At the beginning of the book, Macbeth is very skeptical and also very standoffish and innocent, to say the least. He meets these witches and they tell him that he is to be crowned King and take King Duncan's place and that was the beginning of the end for him. Through the book, Macbeth tries his absolute hardest to control his fate and destiny which is to become King. He is not very certain he wants to kill King Duncan but he then does with the help of his wife Lady Macbeth. He was filled full of guilt after murdering Duncan and taking his place. He still has his innocence until he orders a murder on Banquo and Fleance. That is when he goes from "fair to foul" and he becomes the king like the prophecy says and he wants to keep this power. He actually sees the ghost of Banquo after he is murdered and he is seen as crazy. The next day he visited the witches again and they told him that these are the things that will kill you and he didn't believe those things were possible making him think that he was invincible. He soon realized he was not invincible when towards the end,  at the beginning of the battle he saw that there were the things that the witches said would kill him he surrendered knowing he was already defeated. He was murdered soon after.


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