Macbeth - Play Summary
Each act had it's on ups and downs and ways that it went whether foul or fair. In act one of Macbeth, it was the witches planning their mischievous plan to meet with Macbeth in an empty field in Scotland. we meet King Duncan in the next scene and find that Macbeth is going to be moved up to thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then meets the three witches and they greet him with different titles, his present one the one that king Duncan just gave him and the title then he will eventually overthrow King Duncan and have that title. Lady Macbeth then pushes Macbeth into fulfilling the witches prophecy of killing King Duncan after reading a letter that Macbeth wrote after his encounter with the witches. Lady Macbeth produces a plan to get Macbeth to do it without getting caught. In act two of Macbeth, the plan is sought through and while Banquo, who was with Macbeth in act one when he met the witches, contemplates over the prophecy Macbeth acts like he hasn't even given a seconds thought to it when they run into each other. Duncan is killed and Macbeth is shaken up about it he thinks he heard voices while killing Duncan and he is guilt shaken from killing Duncan and Lady Macbeth states that if it were her own breastfeeding child that she would kill its brains if it came to such high power in the end. Others have found the dead king and announce his death and Macbeth announces his murder of the guards out of grief-stricken rage and Lay Macbeth faints out of shock. Ross comments that Macbeth will surely be named the next king, to which Macduff responds that he has already been named and has gone to Scone to be crowned. In act three Banque starts to get suspicious that it was probably Macbeth who killed Duncan to fulfill the witches prophecy. There is a banquet in which Macbeth had already hired murders to kill Banquo even though they are not pros they will do. The murders kill Banquo but Fleance managed to escape. At the Banquet the murder relays to Macbeth the news and Macbeth announces it as he sees Banquo's ghost at the feast sitting down and he speaks to this ghost confusing the rest of the guest and Lady Macbeth reassures them that everything is okay that he has "fits" and they all is well and eventually Lady Macbeth asks the guest to leave that his "illness" is active and then Macbeth explains to her that he wants to see the witches. The character Hectate enters and tells the witches to stop medaling in Macbeth's future. While that is happening Malcolm and Macduff prepare an army against Macbeth. In act four Macbeth Meets with the witches and they show him apparitions telling him that he is his in danger yet nothing can harm him and that cheers him on. Murders attack and kill Lady Macduff and everyone in it including her son. Malcolm then test Macduff to see if Malcolm can trust him, he passes. Later Ross relays to Macduff of the tragedy that his country is in shambles and that his family is dead. In act five a Doctor comes to reveal that Lady Macbeth relives the night of the murder of Duncan as she is filled with guilt with blood on her hands that won't come out the doctor says she needs a priest and that no one is to speak of what they saw that night watching Lady Macbeth sleepwalking. The thanes Menteith, Caithness, Angus, and Lennox march with a company of soldiers toward Birnam Wood, where they will join Malcolm and the English army to murder Macbeth. Believing the witches prophecy Macbeth that everything that was said is impossible so he is invincible. Macbeth doesn't realize that all of his men have deserted him and that he alone as he commands them to hold there ground. Macbeth hears the screams of his wife and Peyton rushed out to announce the death of his wife Lady Macbeth seeming unfazed he comments that she should have died at a more appropriate time. Then Macbeth realizes that Birnam Wood is there at the witches prophecy might be true and he cants believe his eyes as he tells the guards to ring the alarms. Macbeth kills young Siward and Macbeth asks of the person who wasn't born of woman womb and Macduff is the one and everyone there is there to kill Macbeth and Macbeth says he will not fight for they have already won and then Macduff kills Macbeth decapitating him. Malcolm than states that he is going to Repair this country and is going to rename all thanes and be named king of Scotland.
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